Tsunami 2004 image archive (Batticaloa)

A devastating natural tragedy, the tsunami that struck Sri Lanka in 2004 had a significant impact on both the nation and its citizens. A significant earthquake off the Sumatra island (Indonesia) on December 26 triggered a series of enormous waves that rushed over the Indian Ocean and struck Sri Lanka (southern and eastern coasts).

About 30,000 people died due the tsunami. The country's economy was severely harmed as a result of the damage or destruction. The fishing industry sustained significant losses due the destruction of boats and equipment.After the tsunami, numerous nations and organizations from all over the world helped Sri Lanka and support in order to assist those who were harmed by the disaster and with the subsequent recovery efforts.

The people of Sri Lanka demonstrated incredible resilience and tenacity to rebuild their lives and communities in spite of the enormous loss and destruction. The memories of the tsunami continue to linger and serve as a reminder of nature and the necessity of being ready for such events, despite the country's progress in rebuilding its infrastructure and economy.


The tsunami that hit Sri Lanka in 2004 had a devastating impact on many parts of the country, including the Batticaloa. In Batticaloa, the tsunami caused extensive damage and fatalities, and the force of the waves severely damaged or completely destroyed a number of homes and buildings. 

Archive Images

In the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami, volunteers in Batticaloa worked to document the devastation. The result was a remarkable archive of images that captured the impact of the disaster on local communities.

These images have been gifted to us. They are available for anyone to use (under CC BY 4.0 license) with proper attribution to our blog.

Despite this, the archive remains a valuable resource for those interested in learning about the impact of the 2004 tsunami on Batticaloa. By making this archive available for educational use, the creators of the project have ensured that the memories and lessons of the 2004 tsunami will continue to be remembered and shared for generations to come.

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