eTraffic Police Sri Lanka is an Android app from Sri Lankan police. It makes all people as traffic police.
The eTraffic would enable users to report law and enforcement issues regarding to traffic. You have to download the app from the Google Play Store. This Android app supports to upload images and videos and submit to the police.
After you download the app, you can signup by providing name (full and last), email, mobile number and password. After the successful signup, you can login. Once you login, you are free to submit video or image about breaching traffic rules such as high speed, wrong side driving, parking at prohibited spot, parking on wrong day, etc.
However, you have to switch on data / the internet connection of your mobile phone. This will automatically capture the coordination. Therefore, you do not need to enter the location of incident. Also, you need to have enough data to submit image/video. In the submission process, you have to enter description, and you may enter comments/suggestion. The app automatically extract the date and time.
Once you upload, police will check and you can see status of submission. It will be “In review” and finalize to “Rejected” or “Accepted”.
Note: Share this post to among your social networks and friends circles, and spread the news about this app. This could help us to take away bad practices since we dream a better country and respect the rules. This might be a first step to clean the country and it is our responsibility to contribute a good citizen of Sri Lanka.
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