Postal codes in Ampara: Full list and details

The postal code for the Ampara is 32000. The code can use for Ampara town only. If you want to use for other areas in the district, you have to use an appropriate code.  District code of Ampara is APR. Here is the list of postal codes of Ampara.
postal codes of Ampara

Addalaichenai 32350
Akkaraipattu 32400
Ampara 32000
Bakmitiyawa 32024
Central Camp 32050
Dadayamtalawa 32046
Damana 32014
Damanewela 32126
Deegawapiya 32006
Dehiattakandiya 32150
Devalahinda 32038
Digamadulla 32008
Dorakumbura 32104
Galapitagala 32066
Gonagolla 32064
Hingurana 32010
Hulannuge 32514
Kalmunai 32300
Kannakipuram 32405
Labunoruwa 32512
lmkkamam 32450
Madawalalanda 32016
Mahanagapura 32018
Mahaoya 32070
Malwatta 32198
Mangalagama 32069
Marathamune 32314
Mawanagama 32158
Oluvil 32360
Padiyatalawa 32100
Pahalalanda 32034
Palamunai 32354
Panama 32508
Pannalagama 32022
Paragahakele 32031
Periyaneelavanai 32316
Polwaga Janapadaya 32032
Pottuvil 32500
Rajagalatenna 32068
Sainthamaruthu 32280
Samanthurai 32200
Serankada 32101
Siripura 32155
Siyambalawewa 32048
Tempitiya 32072
Thambiluvil 32415
Tirukovil 32420
Uhana 32060
Wadinagala 32039
Wanagamuwa 32454

Ampara is a district in the Eastern Province. It is located approximately 360 kilometers east of the Colombo. The district has a population of approximately 640,000 people. Its economy is largely based on agriculture and tourism.

The postal service is operated by Sri Lanka Post and other services, especially for courier service. Also, you can get services, including mail delivery, parcel delivery, money transfer services, and postal savings accounts. The postal service also offers various other services such as selling postage stamps, philatelic services, and Western Union Money Transfer services.

The postal code for the Ampara town is 32000. The postal code is for areas within Ampara city, not for other areas in the district. Example: Kalmuna is a famous town is Ampara and Kalmuna code is 32300.
Customers can visit their local post office or call the Sri Lanka Post customer service hotline at 011 5 320 320 to contact the Ampara postal service. Ampara general post office is located in the town.

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