Red mercury price: Everything You Need to Know

Red mercury price creates curiosity among some people. Do know how much is the red mercury price in Sri Lanka? Some brokers and backdoor business people say about 1.5 kg red mercury is about 500 crores Sri Lankan rupees which is equal to about 251 million US dollars. 

Red mercury price

What is Red mercury?

Red mercury is a substance of uncertain composition that believed to use to create of nuclear weapons. However, there is no proof about existence of red mercury. It is a hoax, created to take advantage of gullible buyers on the black market. It is reported that "red mercury" existence was on the international black markets since 1979.

In 1997, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists stated that “the asking price for red mercury ranged from $100,000 to $300,000 per kilogram”. In 2004, some men were arrested in Britain, and they were trying to purchase a kilogram for £900,000. As per the reported by, the New York Times in 2015, Islamic State group had been arrested in Turkey attempting to purchase red mercury.

The red mercury is a fiction like mermaid, unicorn, etc. Some people believed that red mercury could found in the throats of mummies of Egypt. Some people believed red mercury could be found in the nests of bats. But, the fact is that bats do not build nests. The story developed further, and said that red mercury comes from vampire bats. 

There are so many rumors about red mercury; including it have powers to summon jinns (an evil spirit as per Islamic view), high power to heal any decease, main component to create nuclear /powerful weapon. The hoax developed further and further about it origin, exist, value, etc.

Red mercury in Sri Lanka

Like other countries, trickery theory in Sri Lanka linked the red mercury with the Nazi Germany and Hitler. It says Sri Lankan scientist obtained red mercury from Nazi Germany links, and it was purposely built for nuclear projects or mysterious military weapons. Price of 1.5 kg red mercury is LKR 500 crores (about US$ 251 million). 

Here is a video footage of red mercury in Sri Lanka and basic analysis.

As in the video, 5 basic facts tell about it.

  • This object is claimed as Nazi Germany product. Nazi Germany always used Deutsch (German language), not English. In the object, main language is English.
  • This ensign or symbol never used in Nazi Germany.
  • Nazi symbol was right-facing, not left-facing symbol.
  • There are so much can do by magic sticks. Million worth object is not just for magic work.
  • This biological hazard symbol, but object is claimed to ionizing radiation.

Somebody has spent about 2000 rupees to lathe work, painting and miscellaneous. 


Actually, there is a red color mercury-containing ore and minerals. Mercury sulphide is a red color chemical compound, and its chemical formula is HgS. Mercury sulphide has two crystal forms; red cinnabar and black metacinnabar. Red cinnabar is useful for decorating pottery. It cannot cure, it has no power to summon evil or create nuclear bomb.

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