Poya Day | Buddhist holiday in Sri Lanka

Poya is a Buddhist holiday that is observed every full moon day of the lunar calendar in Sri Lanka. There might be 13 or 14 Poya Days in a year. It observes with religious ceremonies. It has significant impact on the society and culture. Many businesses and offices are closed on the day. People have opportunity to take off from work. Buddhists can involve in religious activities.


Buddha’s life faced most importance events on Poya. Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death were happened on Poya Day. Therefore, it is importance day to Sri Lanka since the majority of Sri Lankan are Buddhists. Poya is Sinhala a word of full moon day. The word derived from the Pali and Sanskrit word “uposatha”. It literally means “fasting day”. 

The Observance

Buddhists in Sri Lanka observe the Eight Precepts that include abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, taking intoxicants, eating solid food after noon, using luxurious beds, and wearing ornaments & cosmetics. Buddhists also may observe a day long fast and spend time in meditation, prayer and listening to sermons.

Temples and monasteries hold special religious ceremonies and events on Poya Day. Buddhists visit these places to offer prayers, make offerings and participate in religious rituals. Some people also engage in charitable activities such as giving meals to poor people or donating to charitable organizations.

Poya Day is also an opportunity for people to engage in cultural activities and events. Cultural events and festivals occure, including traditional dances, musical shows and other cultural activities.

The Significance

Poya Day is a significant day in the Buddhist calendar. It is considered an important occasion for spiritual reflection and renewal. Buddhists believe that Poya is a time opportunity to engage in religious practices. The day has positive energy and blessings are at their peak. Therefore, it is time to cultivate good karma.

The Day is also significant importance. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the teachings of the Buddha and contemporary life. Buddha’s teachings are focused on cultivating positive qualities such as compassion, generosity and mindfulness. 

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