Password Generator (Generate strong and random passwords)

Password Generator can secure your data and information. This tool can generate strong and random passwords. Do you know more than 80% of passwords are stolen by unwanted visitors due to weaker passwords? Sri Lanka Information Zone would like to guide and help by creating strong passwords. 

Password Generator

Random Password Generator

This is an online tool and it will create random and strong passwords only for you. Do you need a unique password? Try this Strong Password Generator below:

Password Generator

Default Password Length is 6, and you can decrease or increase as per your needs. Also, you can include uppercase, lowercase, number and symbols. These options would help since password requirement could differ from one to another website and apps. Once you generate the password, you COPY button and paste where you want to use it. Note: always keep password in a secure place.


Random and unique password is strong and it can defense against online threats. When human create it, they use easy method such a common word, name, same password that use in many logins, and an attacker easily steal them. Random password is very hard to guess and bot like program never crack it as it need continues attempts for years which is impossible. Here are some easy examples as below.

  • Person’s name: John
  • Birth year: 1990
  • Place: Colombo
  • Common name: Apple

Random and unique example is given below:


This 20 characters long passcodes are very hard to break. As per reports, 12 characters long letters-only password is 8 times harder to crack than a 12 number characters. Fortunately, 16 character letters-only password is 8 million times harder to creak. Imagine if it had 20 characters with letters (upper & lower), numbers and symbols, and it is millions of millions times harder!

The best 9 password tips

  1. Always use a unique password
  2. Don’t use same for many login/access
  3. No identifiable personal information
  4. At least 12 characters long
  5. Mix of characters (upper & lower case letters, numbers and special characters)
  6. Keep them in safe place or use password managers
  7. Avoid weak and commonly words such as admin, password123
  8. Often change your passwords
  9. Never share via email, SMS, etc.