Percentage Calculator (Free online tool to calculate percentages)

Percentage is a common mathematical concept that is used in many different fields. It is a way of expressing a part of a whole as a fraction of 100.

This calculator can function in two ways

  1. Enter percentage and value and get ‘percentage value. Eg: 2% of 23000 is 460. 
  2. Enter percentage value and value and get ‘percentage’. Eg: 460 is 2% of 23000.

Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

Calculating percentages is a relatively simple process. It involves multiplying the value you want to find the percentage of by the percentage value, and then dividing the result by 100. The formula for calculating percentages is:

Percentage = (Value / Total Value) x 100

In science and engineering, percentages are used to express things like error margins, concentration levels, and rates of change. And in everyday life, percentages are used to calculate things like discounts, tips, and sales tax.

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